
  • Physics-based data-driven models

    Physics-based data-driven models

    We propose a novel approach where a proxy model combines limited information about a spatial configuration of the hydrocarbon field and a simplified description of the governing physics. The approach contains several stages: in the first, the spatial connectivity graph is generated based on positions of wells and a limited log interpretation. Next, unstructured gridding…

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  • Modeling of foam experiments

    Modeling of foam experiments

    Foam improves significantly the sweep efficiency of gas injection. Foam-oil displacement in reservoirs involves strongly nonlinear physics, e.g. multiphase flow and transport with oil-foam interactions. The nonlinearity of this process challenges conventional simulation, which often translates into a high computational cost. To address this problem, we extend an Operator-Based Linearization (OBL) approach for simulation of…

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  • Modeling of dissolution in core

    Modeling of dissolution in core

    Acidizing is a widely used technique for intensification of wells. At certain conditions, acid injection results in a formation of highly conductive channels, e.g. wormholes. The associated rock matrix dissolution is highly nonlinear and may influence the fluid flow as well as rock properties. Wormhole patterns and breakthrough time are mainly controlled by acid strength…

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  • Multiphase flow and reactive transport

    Multiphase flow and reactive transport

    We introduce an efficient element based reduction technique for molar formulation. The chemical equilibrium constraints are included into the multiphase multi-component flash calculation which solves the thermodynamic and chemical phase equilibrium simultaneously13. This provides a generic treatment of chemical and thermodynamic equilibrium within the successive substitution loop of multiphase flash to accommodate chemical precipitation and…

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  • Supercritical CO2-brine interactions

    Supercritical CO2-brine interactions

    Geological storage of CO2 is a crucial and upcoming technology to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Due to the buoyant characteristic of injected gas and the complex geology of subsurface reservoirs, the security of underground storage is a major concern. To assess the security of CO2 storage, an accurate prediction of the CO2 plume migration…

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  • Uncertainty quantification for fractured reservoirs

    Uncertainty quantification for fractured reservoirs

    Performing uncertainty quantification on a large (high-fidelity) ensemble of Discrete Fracture Models (DFM) can become computationally unfeasible. With an advanced coarsening strategy for fractured reservoirs, the numerical solution can be evaluated as a different coarse level with a certain gain in simulation performance. In terms of main flow patterns, it is therefore expected that the…

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  • Geothermal flow in fractured systems

    Geothermal flow in fractured systems

    Multi-phase mass and heat transfers are ubiquitous for modelling of the most energy-related subsurface applications. The presence of complicated fractures may significantly impact, or even determine, the dynamic transport process. Here, the multi-phase flow in a fractured high-enthalpy geothermal reservoir is numerically investigated. The utilized fracture network is sketched and scaled up from digital maps…

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  • Sensitivity analysis of geothermal projects

    Sensitivity analysis of geothermal projects

    A low-enthalpy geothermal reservoir with complicated realistic sedimentary distribution located in the West Netherlands Basin is utilized to perform sensitivity analysis4. A porosity distribution of the model is displayed in Fig.3. The model mainly consists of Berkel and Delft sandstone (around 0.8 million grid blocks) and shale layers (approximately 2.4 million grid blocks) with several…

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  • Geothermal benchmarking

    Geothermal benchmarking

    Accurate prediction of temperature and pressure distribution is essential for geothermal reservoir exploitation with cold water re-injection. Depending on our knowledge about the heterogeneous structure of the subsurface, the reservoir development scheme can be optimized and the overall lifetime of the geothermal field can be extended. In DARTS, the molar formulation with pressure and enthalpy…

    Read more: Geothermal benchmarking


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